Month: May 2016 dan Bahasa Inggris

Recommended by 274 people
. in Reflection . 2 min read dan Bahasa Inggris

Ya, saat ini sebagian post di menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, terutama yang masuk dalam kategori Tutorial. Alasannya sederhana, agar tulisan tersebut bisa dinikmati lebih universal, tidak hanya teman-teman di Indonesia saja. Toh, kata-katanya sederhana yang mudah dipahami. muchad suatu ketika pernah menemui problem saat develop program, berdasar info dari google ada sebuah website yang memiliki… Read more »

WordPress Post Like without Plugin

Recommended by 501 people
. in Tutorial, web . 1 min read

WordPress Post Like without Plugin

In you can find love picture in every after post. This “post like” is integrated with my theme, medio theme. I using Post Like system by Sven Hofmann’s, it’s pretty cool. This is the scenario: When an anonymous user clicks the like button: – User’s IP address is stored in the post’s meta as… Read more »

Show Popular or Trending Post in WordPress

Recommended by 391 people
. in Tutorial, web . 1 min read

Show Popular or Trending Post in WordPress

Front page of, show popular posts based on comments count. We can do it without plugin. To show some popular posts in WordPress we can do it with this simple script in your theme’s file. This source code will show 3 popular posts. The problem, it only show posts with many comments count in… Read more »

How To Create Shortcode in WordPress

Recommended by 331 people
. in Tutorial, web . 58 sec read

How To Create Shortcode in WordPress using medio theme that support shortcode for full width image, like this     To show this full-width image is like this: This is just an example, you can use shortcode for anything what you need in your theme.   How to make shortcode in wordpress theme To make shortcode, edit functions.php in your… Read more »

How To Solve Too Many Failed Login Attempts in WordPress

Recommended by 312 people
. in Tutorial, web . 1 min read

How To Solve Too Many Failed Login Attempts in WordPress

Today my friend get this problem: I ask the FTP account, and I found that the problem is because plugin “limit-login-attempts”. Before, I think this alert because any someone or robot try to hack or bypass the login, but from the logs, it’s normal. To solve it, just access the file manager from your Cpanel… Read more »

Jadi Laper

Recommended by 234 people
. in Reflection . 35 sec read

Jadi Laper

Barusan ngeliat foto Presiden Barack Obama yang gi ngobrol asyik di warung kecil, bun cha (mie Vietnam) tersaji di depan Presiden Obama. The President's chopstick skills are on point . #buncha #hanoi A photo posted by anthonybourdain (@anthonybourdain) on May 23, 2016 at 7:22am PDT Obama kok mau ya makan di warung kecil gitu? Ya… Read more »

Bercerita: Lewat Suara VS Lewat Tulisan

Recommended by 298 people
. in Reflection, Tutorial . 3 min read

Bercerita: Lewat Suara VS Lewat Tulisan

Setiap orang memiliki kesenangannya masing-masing dalam mengungkapkan suatu hal. Ada yang suka langsung bersuara melalui mulutnya, ada juga yang lebih nyaman dengan mengungkapkannya dalam suatu tulisan. Namun untuk bercerita, umumnya lebih senang ya langsung bercerita gitu aja dari mulutnya dibanding harus nulis dulu. Ada sih, yang suka bercerita melalui tulisan, tapi lebih dominan yang bercerita… Read more »

Memandang Tanpa Pandangan

Recommended by 247 people
. in Reflection . 9 min read

Memandang Tanpa Pandangan

Memandang tapi tanpa pandangan, ya tanpa pandangan. Pandangan dalam arti sebenarnya, pandangan mata. Bukan “pandangan” yang berarti persepsi. Tanpa pandangan “seutuhnya”, itu yang Aan alami hari ini. Ya kali ini muchad bercerita tapi dari cerita orang lain seperti yang muchad ungkap di Trik Menulis Cara 3. Tokoh utama kita kali ini sebut aja Aan. Sudah… Read more »

Jam Berapa Sekarang

Recommended by 239 people
. in Reflection . 2 min read

Jam Berapa Sekarang

Waktu menjadi patokan berbagai aktivitas kita, bila dulu biasanya di jalan kita sering melihat orang yang mengangkat pergelangan tangan dan menatap jam tangannya, kini mungkin sudah jarang. Sekali pun di tangan terlilit jam tangan, tetap saja yang di lihat adalah penunjuk waktu di  handphone atau smartphone. Ya, jam tangan kini lebih mengarah ke aksesori. Apakah… Read more »

Unique, Cool, and Secure Android Lock Screen Apps

Recommended by 302 people
. in Tutorial . 2 min read

Unique, Cool, and Secure Android Lock Screen Apps

Usually our android has this screen lock options And muchad ever using Pattern lock screen but the pattern is like this hehe This 6×6 pattern available in Cyanogen. And now muchad using another android lock screen app that cool, unique and more secure. All my friends always ask how to set the lock screen like… Read more »